Planting Schemes

   I usually tell clients that they should expect  a new planting scheme to reach its peak three years after the inital planting, assuming the garden has been regularly maintained. At first the effect can often look rather sparse, with small shrubs and perennials...

Magnolia soulangeana

 Magnolia soulangeana This is  a good time of year to plant  shrubs ready for the Spring.The ground should be soft and damp,with temperatures still relatively warm. New plants have a chance to get their roots established before the Winter sets in. Some of the most...

Box Hedging

  Box hedging Buxus sempervirens is the ideal choice if you want to create structure in a formal town garden. Once established the tightly clipped  hedging forms a green framework around  herbaceous perennials . Slow growing and evergreen, it is traditionally...
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